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PinoyMacLover is a Mac enthusiast who cannot live without his iMac and high-speed Internet connection. He enjoys blogging and has a voracious appetite for information, thus the many hours he spends surfing the web. He also likes the taste of Mcdonald's french fries dipped in sundae ice cream.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

For APC Tech Support

This is a picture of the power cord end that attaches to my iMac G4. (click thumbnail for larger view)

This is a picture of the power cord end of my iMac G4 power cord that is plugged into the power outlet. (click image for larger view)

For the APC UPS, this is how the power cord end that attaches to the computer looks like. (click thumbnail for larger view).

And the APC SmartUPS has power sockets that look like this:

My problem is that APC does not supply a power cord that will fit into my mac. And my mac has a power cord that will not fit in an APC SmartUPS. I've been looking for awhile and I can't even find a 3rd party supplier that provides a power cord or adapter that suits my needs.


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